About Val

I am a retired mother and grandmother who has enjoyed a varied career. I served four years in the Canadian military, worked for federal government, and did many things in between.

I was always interested in writing and decided to take some creative writing classes at St. Lawrence College in Kingston Ontario just for fun. One class led to another and I completed the requirements for their Creative and Freelance Writing certificate.

My university studies (University of Waterloo) majored in Psychology with a French minor. In the military I trained in electronics, specializing in radar systems used by air traffic controllers. Since I retired I have taken an interest in 3D computer graphics, and used online videos and programs to learn to model in 3D and work with textures.

My writing career has been woven in between other things I was doing. I wrote a humor column for a time, “The Peanut Gallery,” that was published in a few Ontario newspapers. I did some freelance writing for a tourist publication, and was employed on one occasion as a stringer for a local newspaper to cover a municipal election. I combined my love of reading and writing to write book reviews for the local paper. I did some freelance editing work for a national Canadian religious publication.

I decided to keep up with my writing by trying my hand at blogging. I hope you enjoy my ramblings.

Val Oct 2013









Valerie Grieve

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