About Shirley

I am a woman who has reached the half century mark, and has marks to prove it! I have been fortunate to have loved many people whom all were either family, friend or lover. To say that I had been married twice is misleading and frankly unimportant to me, although they were at the time. I have come to learn that both the spoken and written ritual of marriage are man made and do nothing to change what inevitably will happen in one’s relationship. I have loved many, married a couple, and devoted myself to all of them. I am now with a man that I hope to spend the rest of my life with. I have learned a few things along the way, and hopefully seen the humour in most of them.

I have also been the mother of four plus a few, and the friend and confident of many. I seriously can’t remember most of any secrets told to me so all can rest assured!

I guess I qualify my writing a blog by the rich history from family, friends, and many of life’s lessons along the way. I hope to make us laugh a little.

You will meet my loved ones through various stories, but you will also meet my extended family that includes, 2 cats and 2 ferrets. Lots of laughter with these critters! I am fairly confident that I can speak for them all knowing their habits and behaviours the way I do. It is not all nice believe me!

Well enjoy and comment if you like!

Shirley Matt

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